Caution – Know what you are getting when you “cut the cord”

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If you in this site, you are probably thinking of dumping cable and getting a streaming service. In the current situations, more and more people are
considering getting rid of cable, “cutting the cord” or as we say on this site “cutting cable guy”.

The reasons and the idea is very appealing specially how pay TV is getting expensive and the new streaming services being offered these days.

However, dumping their satellite TV package or cutting the cable cord. The decision to proceed is more complicated and need a lot discussions with your household if everyone is ready for this switch.

Know your Reasons why you are cutting the cord. The following are the main reason why a lot of people are considering “cut cable guy”.

Rising price of cable

The main reason in considering “cutting cable guy” is the rising price of cable. The average pay-TV is nearly around $100 plus a month (Just the pay-TV without less the internet cost) and prices keeps rising yearly. These rising pay-TV prices drives the continuous drop in their subscriptions.

More streaming services

New streaming services are giving consumers more and more alternatives. A lot of traditional TV stations and movie productions are coming up with their own streaming services such as CBSNow, Peacock and Disney+ to name a few. There are free streaming services which provides a lot of content, although you will be seeing ads. These new streaming services are in addition to the established streaming services such as Netflix which already have more than 70 million subscribers in the U.S.

The options also include both established giants like Netflix, which now has more than 73 million subscribers here in the U.S., and newer services such as Disney+ service, which isn’t yet a year old but already has more than 60 million paying customers.

Change in watching patterns

TV used to be the main device where we watch our news and entertainment. That has changed, we watch with our personal devices be it our cellphones, laptops, computers and tablets. We might found that we don’t use our TV anymore thus paying for cable does not make sense anymore.

With the valid reasons on “cutting the cord”, why the caution?

Rising prices of Streaming services

For the past year, the prices of streaming services has been rising. They are still cheaper than cable but if you want to be able to see the channels you had when you were with pay-tv subscription you might need to subscribe to 2 or more streaming services.

Too many alternatives

The new additional streaming services is a good thing in terms of alternatives but having a lot of choices also provides a problem of too many alternatives and what is the right alternatives.

New ways to watch your channels

With the cable subscriptions, there is only one main menu that you have to go though in order to change the channels or shows. With cord-cutting, you will be getting in and out of different “services” or “apps” in order to check and watch the shows you are looking for. You should be willing to make this shift in mindset that since you don’t want to pay that much for cable, you won’t have the same interfaces that you are used too.

Knowing the above details are the things to consider when deciding to “cut the cord”.

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